UPDATE: New Partner – Tendo

UPDATE We are delighted to announce that Tendo For People has joined as the 4th partner of World Exoskeleton Day. Tendo For People is a Swedish-based company that creates innovative and effective assistive technology to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Their mission is to enable people with mobility impairments to achieve their full […]
UPDATE: New Partner – Wandercraft

UPDATE We are pleased to announce Wandercraft as the third partner for World Exoskeleton Day. Wandercraft specialises in the development of exoskeletons for people with mobility impairments. Their exoskeletons provide users with the ability to stand up and walk. Wandercraft’s exoskeleton technology is a significant advancement in the field of mobility and rehabilitation. With their […]
UPDATE: New Partner – Project MARCH

UPDATE We are excited to announce that Project MARCH has joined as the second partner of World Exoskeleton Day! Project MARCH is a leading research team at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands that develops innovative exoskeleton technology to improve the lives of people with spinal cord injuries. Project MARCH will be hosting a […]
UPDATE: First Partner – GOGOA

UPDATE We are thrilled to announce that Gogoa has joined as the first partner of Exoskeleton Day! Gogoa is a leading company in the field of exoskeletons, and we are excited to have them onboard as we celebrate the incredible advances in this technology. Exoskeleton Day is a global event aimed at raising awareness about […]
UPDATE: Instagram

UPDATE As of Today, we have launched our brand-new Instagram page! Make sure to follow to stay up to date. On this page we will share the newest participants, highlights and other information related to medical exoskeleton. Follow us at @world_exoskeleton_day Organized by Project MARCH March 28, 2023 @world_exoskeleton_day